Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My 2005 MLB Predictions

Here are my annual MLB predications. They are usually dead wrong so, take it all with a grain of salt.
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American League
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AL East
New York
Tampa Bay

AL Central
*Cleveland* Wildcard
Kansas City

AL West
Los Angles Angels Of Anaheim

National League
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NL East
New York

NL Central
St. Louis
*Houston* Wildcard

NL West
San Diego
Los Angeles
San Francisco

NL East
New York

NL Central
St. Louis
*Houston* Wildcard

NL West
San Diego
Los Angeles
San Francisco


American League
Boston 3 Games to Cleveland None
Seattle 3 Games to Minnesota 2
Boston 4 Games to Seattle 2

National League
Florida 3 Games to Houston 1
San Diego 3 Games to St. Louis 2
San Diego 4 Games to Florida 3
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San Diego 4 Games to Boston 2
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Ichiro bats .407, People still rather have Johnny Damon
Joe Tore is Fired at the end of the season
Robert throws himself of the 300 Level at the conclusion of the ALCS

Opening Day!

I just a email from my boss saying that he wants to work Opening Day . This is great, as its going to be my second opening day that I've attended as an employee. What makes this news even better is the fact that one of My Favorite bands Presidents Of The United States Of America will be performing. Man I don't think that my job will get any better till the Mariners make the World Series and I'm working it.

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Monday, March 28, 2005

Regarding Image Hosting

Due to the fact that I've been suffering from some image host problems, AGAIN. I'm trying yet another host. I'm going back and recoding all my pictures, but I'm going to use 3 different hosts. This way if any of them are down on Wensday, I will be covered because some pictures should still show up when I have to give my presentation. I aplogize for any inconveince.

STEPPortfolio Finished Finally

So I finally finished my step Portfolio today, way later then it was due (but still before Qiams was done). I'm gonna turn it in on Wensday, so If any of you want to proof read my personal transition plan, go right ahead. I want to make sure its perfect since its taken this long. Here it is.

Personal Transition Plan

In the year after I graduate from Tahoma Senior High School, I plan on to continue attending Green River Community College for at least another year. The reason why I have chosen not to go on to a 4 year university right away is two fold, not ready yet to financially support myself and the fact that I wish to first earn my Arts Associate Degree, so that it would be easier to be accepted into a quality university. In my spare time I plan on to continue my job at Safeco Field in Seattle and hopefully get a Internship with the Seattle Mariners Front Office. My goals had originally been to go straight to a university and major in journalism but that changed when I realized that I wasn’t ready yet for a four year university, and that I could make a living working in the sports industry, my true passion in life.

In order to get myself on my way towards these goals I have taken some necessary steps in order to make it easier on myself. I enrolled at Green River Community college for my senior year in the Running Start program that Tahoma Senior High School offered. The fact that I am enrolled enables me to get a head start on earning my AA degree at a fraction of that it would have cost me to do after I graduated. At the same time I am also getting my foot in the door when it comes to working for the Seattle Mariners, as for the last year I have been a valuable member of the Fielder program that they have. The Fielder program is what the Mariners call The 125 or so teenagers that they hire to help out around the stadium for games and other events that are hosted there. They are paid helpers and many of them have been able to make the move up into the Front Office and are now involved in many of the baseball personal decisions that are so frequently talked about on the news. I have also worked for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer as a high school sports reporter and because of that experience I now have connections in sports journalism field in the greater Seattle Area.

My personal interests and abilities affected my STEP portfolio more than any other factor that I encountered. From the very start I knew I wanted to focus on my true passion in life: Sports. Everyone that knows anything about me knows that I am the single most knowledgeable person they could ask a sports related question to and that they can take my answer no matter how obscure the question was, as pure fact. I also have this type of reputation when it comes to history, politics or current global events, but none of those mean as much to me as sports. People may consider my knowledge of sports ironic due to the fact that I have the exact opposite build of what a athlete would pokes, but because of that I try extra hard to get into the sports industry. The self awareness assessments that I took only emphasized what I already knew about my personality. They said that I wanted to be a physical performer and that I was outgoing, easygoing, accepting, friendly, fond of a good time and like sports and finds remembering facts easier then mastering theories. All this is a perfect analysis of myself.

Something that I observed in my job shadow experience was the fact that Sports Management was in fact the career that I would wish to do for the rest of my life. Personally, I thought that while my host didn’t actually enjoy his job, I would enjoy doing every day of my life. The very thought of waking up and working at Safeco Field, the same place where so many of my teenage heroes have played, has me excited for my future unlike any other possibility. With the chance that I might have the talent to maybe be the general manger of the Seattle Mariners or any other sports team for that matter, is a good enough reason to work in that career pathway to the till the day I die.

My job shadow experience was not much more different then I expected to be as I have researched it numerous times in the past, before deciding on this career path. I was surprised to learn that even though there are no baseball games played in the off-season, that my host would remain just busy as busy as he would have if he had been working during the season. Other than that I would that all the office work that he did (scheduling promotions, managing budgets, etc) all fell in line to what I was expecting to see.

I think that I will be fairly well prepared for a job in the sports industry as soon as I finish my upper education at the university of my choice. Some of the reasons why I will be successful have to due with the fact that many consider myself to be very informed when it comes to sports. They also comment about how nice and funny I can be when in a group of people, but at the same time also very helpful and compassionate when the situation calls for it. A good majority of my past teachers have said that I am the most creative and intelligent student in their class. They remarked that I have a astounding ability to recite all most any trivial fact that they can think of no matter if it has to do with sports, history, politics or current events. They also like how I am so interested in reading and increasing my knowledge base.

If I could direct the grader of this paper to one particular area of my portfolio, I would find it to be difficult as I think that I have done a fine job on all aspects of the project. The area that stands out more than any other would have to be the Foundation Transition Items section, as if you read it closely, you will find a very accurate description on myself, strengths and weaknesses included. My biggest weakness when it came to the portfolio would be the fact that I was very busy with Running Start and was not able to finish it an as timely matter as I would have liked. The skill that helped me the most on this portfolio would be my familiarity with the computer as it allowed me to word process this with ease and at the same time make it look aesthetically pleasing as well. All in all this project was A very enriching and informative process and will provide me with something to share with future employers.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

STEP Product Summary

I Just got done with my product Summary and just thought that I'd share it with the hopes that somebody might critique it for me. Here it is
Robert Westervelt III
Running Start Student
S.T.E.P Project
Step Project Summary
Research proved to be much harder then was expected for the project. I expected to able to go on line find any blog creator and just post my thoughts there, but that was proved wrong in the first hour of searching. As I went from Blog to Blog, I realized that there were many ways to go about creating a quality product. I some of the blogs that I used for research were about either baseball (U.S.S. Mariner) or about hiking and biking long distances, both topics that interest me. I figured that I would get more out of my research I i studied using subjects that greatly interested myself, and I would find that to be correct. Other things that I researched were background info for my posts so that I could make informative posts that people would take seriously. The rest of my time was used to research how to troubleshoot problems that I encountered in the process.
Overview of Product Hours
The majority of my time spent on this product was spent working on three tasks: Research on my posts, Posting and, troubleshooting the problems that I encountered along the way. I spent roughly 5 hours researching how to make my blog as good as possible for a beginner Blogger. This included searching the web for critically acclaimed blog makers and image hosts, which were important due to the fact that in order to tell my thoughts on my blog i needed to also show them what I meant. Roughly 12 hours was spent actually posting my thoughts and editing them for spelling and punctuation errors. I made sure that my posts would be interesting to read and be both humorous and thought provoking at the same time. Finally about 7 hours were spent troubleshooting problems that I encountered while completing the step product. This included searching the internet for solutions to my ever frequent issues with image hosting and also included a trip Best Buy in order to purchase a new hard drive so my system performance would increase and at the same time so would the quality of my blog.
Challenges That Were Faced
There were many annoying and tedious problems that I need to fix before I could say that my blog was suitable for presentation at the S.T.E.P. Product fair. These include the Image host problems that i talk about on my blog, which prohibited me from adding any pictures to my blog, thus making seem to have a drab feel to it. In order to correct this, I searched the web looking for and researching alternate image hosts for a quite a bit of time before I finally found one that was suitable for my blog requirements. Another problem that occurred while producing my product was the lack of time. Since I was taking college classes at Green River Community College in the running start program, I found it difficult to update the blog as often as I would have preferred. The final problem that I encountered was the lack of system performance with the machine that I was using to create my blog. The problems affected my work speed to the point that I had to go out and upgrade my computer in order to remedy it. If I had been unable to correct these problems, then they could have proved to been lethal to my efforts to making a quality blog.

Friday, March 25, 2005


I just finished my Step Product Display Board five minutes ago. I but alot of effort into it and I think that it shows, as not only is it the nicest Project board I ever been asscataded with but its also the first one that wasn't finished that night before it was due, so that may have helped.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


New System Of A Down Song called B.Y.O.B, which stands for Bring Your Own Bombs. I was pumbed to here this new song as System is my favorite band, but I was dissipionted by it at first. But as I listen to it more and more it has becomeone of my favorite songs to listen to. I recommend reading about it here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

King Felix!

Did anyone see the M's 18 year old superhuman pitch tonight. Holy cow this kid is really good. The strike out pitches against Vladimir Guerrero and Orlando Cabrera with wicked. In my honest opinion he should be pitching in Seattle by no later than May 15th. I've said this before and I'll say it again, Felix is the best prospect the Mariners have ever had bar none.
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I Just got back the Poli-Sci Essay that i posted here almost a month ago and I only got a 1.9. I thought that it should have got higher, even though I guess that a 1.9 is a high C in my class. I still think my quality of work was much higher than my grade exhibited!

Hatred? Part II

Well You may remember how appalled I was with the man that insisted that Liberalism is the new form of Nazism. Well I assured my self that he didn't mean what he said and that clearly he was going to rescind his comments. I was wrong, he's back and he's even more offensive this time.
Something i found that ties in directly to the Terry Schaivo case. I in particular want liberals to read this see that the liberal position is inline of nazi germany. remember those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Lets pray that history does not repeat itself.

The text of this web page was originally published by the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a pamphlet titled "Handicapped". It is used here with permission.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
100 Raoul Walenberg Place SW,
Washington D.C. 20024-2150


This brochure describes the Nazi treatment of handicaped people from 1933-1945. You may link to the contents by selecting either the title above or the cover in the left hand margin.

Soon after Hiltler took power, the Nazis formulated policy based on their vision of biologically "pure" population, to create an "Aryan master race." The "Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases," proclaimed
July 14, 1933, forced the sterilization of all persons who suffered from diseases considered hereditary, such as mental illness (schizophfrenia and manic depression), retardation ("congenital feeble-mindedness"), physical deformithy, epilepsy, blindness, deafness, and severe alcolholism.



The "sterilization Law" explained the importance of weeding out socalled genetic defects from the total German gene pool:

Since the National Revolution public opinion has become increasingly preoccupied with questions of demographic policy and the continuing decline in the birthrate. However, it is not only the decline in population which is a cause for serious concern but equally the increasingly evident genetic composition of our people. Whereas the hereditarily healthy families have for the most part adopted a policy of having only one or two children, countless numbers of inferiors and those suffering from hereditary conditions are reproducing unrestrainedly while their sick and asocial offspring burden the community.

Some scientists and physicians opposed the involuntary aspect of the law while others pointed to possible flaws. But the designation of specific conditions as inherited, and the desire to eliminate such illnesses or handicaps from the population, generally reflected the scientific and medical thinking of the day in
Germany and elsewhere.

Germany was not the first or only country to sterilize people considered "abnormal." Before Hitler, the United States led the world in forced sterilizations. Between 1907 and 1939, more than 30,000 people in twentynine states were sterilized, many of them unknowingly or against their will, while they were incarcerated in prisons or institutions for the mentally ill. Nearly half the operations were carried out in California. Advocates of sterilization policies in both Germany and the United States were influenced by eugenics. This sociobiological theory took Charles Darwin's principle of natural selection and applied it to society. Eugenicists believed the human race could be improved by controlled breeding.

Still, no nation carried sterilization as far as Hitler's
Germany. The forced sterilizations began in January 1934, and altogether an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 people were sterilized under the law. A diagnosis of "feeblemindedness" provided the grounds in the majority of cases, followed by schizophrenia and epilepsy. The usual method of sterilization was vasectomy and ligation of ovarian tubes of women. Irradiation (xrays or radium) was used in a small number of cases. Several thousand people died as a result of the operations, women disproportionately because of the greater risks of tubal ligation.

Most of the persons targeted by the law were patients in mental hospitals and other institutions. The majority of those sterilized were between the ages of twenty and forty, about equally divided between men and women. Most were "Aryan" Germans. The "Sterilization Law" did not target socalled racial groups, such as Jews and Gypsies, although Gypsies were sterilized as deviant "asocials," as were some homosexuals. Also, about 500 teenagers of mixed African and German parentage (the offspring of French colonial troops stationed in the
Rhineland in the early 1920s) were sterilized because of their race, by secret order, outside the provisions of the law.

Although the "Sterilization Law" sometimes functioned arbitrarily, the semblance of legality underpinning it was important to the Nazi regime. More than 200 Hereditary Health Courts were set up across
Germany and later, annexed territories. Each was made up of two physicians and one district judge. Doctors were required to register with these courts every known case of hereditary illness. Appeals courts were also established, but few decisions were ever reversed. Exemptions were sometimes given artists or other talented persons afflicted with mental illnesses. The "Sterilization Law" was followed by the Marriage Law of 1935, which required for all marriages proof that any offspring from the union would not be afflicted with a disabling hereditary disease.

Only the Roman Catholic Church, for doctrinal reasons, opposed the sterilization program consistently; most German Protestant Churches accepted and often cooperated with the policy. Popular films such as Das Erbe ("Inheritance") helped build public support for government policies by stigmatizing the mentally ill and the handicapped and highlighting the costs of care. School mathematics books posed such questions as: "The construction of a lunatic asylum costs 6 million marks. How many houses at 15,000 marks each could have been built for that amount?"


Forced sterilization in
Germany was the forerunner of the systematic killing of the mentally ill and the handicapped. In October 1939, Hitler himself initiated a decree which empowered physicians to grant a "mercy death" to "patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health." The intent of the socalled "euthanasia" program, however, was not to relieve the suffering of the chronically ill. The Nazi regime used the term as a euphemism: its aim was to exterminate the mentally ill and the handicapped, thus "cleansing" the Aryan race of persons considered genetically defective and a financial burden to society.

The idea of killing the incurably ill was posed well before 1939. In the 1920s, debate on this issue centered on a book coauthored by Alfred Hoche, a noted psychiatrist, and Karl Binding, a prominent scholar of criminal law. They argued that economic savings justified the killing of "useless lives" ("idiots" and "congenitally crippled"). Economic deprivation during World War I provided the context for this idea. During the war, patients in asylums had ranked low on the list for rationing of food and medical supplies, and as a result, many died from starvation or disease. More generally, the war undermined the value attached to individual life and, combined with Germany's humiliating defeat, led many nationalists to consider ways to regenerate the nation as a whole at the expense of individual rights.

In 1935 Hitler stated privately that "in the event of war, [he] would take up the question of euthanasia and enforce it" because "such a problem would be more easily solved" during wartime. War would provide both a cover for killing and a pretext--hospital beds and medical personnel would be freed up for the war effort. The upheaval of war and the diminished value of human life during wartime would also, Hitler believed, mute expected opposition. To make the connection to the war explicit, Hitler's decree was backdated to
September 1,1939, the day Germany invaded Poland.

Fearful of public reaction, the Nazi regime never proposed a formal "euthanasia" law. Unlike the forced sterilizations, the killing of patients in mental asylums and other institutions was carried out in secrecy. The code name was "Operation T4," a reference to Tiergartenstrasse 4, the address of the
Berlin Chancellery offices where the program was headquartered. Physicians, the most highly Nazified professional group in Germany, were key to the success of "T4," since they organized and carried out nearly, all aspects of the operation. One of Hitler's personal physicians, Dr. Karl Brandt, headed the program, along with Hitler's Chancellery chief, Philip Bouhler. T4 targeted adult patients in all government or church-run sanatoria and nursing homes. These institutions were instructed by the Interior Ministry to collect questionnaires about the state of health and capacity for work of all their patients, ostensibly as part of a statistical survey.

The completed forms were, in turn, sent to expert assessors physicians, usually psychiatrists, who made up "review commissions." They marked each name with a "+," in red pencil, meaning death, or a "" in blue pencil, meaning life, or "?" for cases needing additional assessment. These medical experts rarely examined any of the patients and made their decisions from the questionnaires alone. At every step, the medical authorities involved were usually expected to quickly process large numbers of forms.

The doomed were bused to killing centers in
Germany and Austria walled-in fortresses, mostly former psychiatric hospitals, castles and a former prison --- at Hartheim, Sonnenstein, Grafeneck, Bernburg, Hadamar, and Brandenburg. In the beginning, patients were killed by lethal injection. But by 1940, Hitler, on the advice of Dr. Werner Heyde, suggested that carbon monoxide gas be used as the preferred method of killing. Experimental gassings had first been carried out at Brandenburg Prison in 1939. There, gas chambers were disguised as showers complete with fake nozzles in order to deceive victims ---prototypes of the killing centers' facilities built in occupied Poland later in the war.

Again, following procedures that would later be instituted in the extermination camps, workers removed the corpses from the chambers, extracted gold teeth, then burned large numbers of bodies together in crematoria. Urns filled with ashes were prepared in the event the family of the deceased requested the remains. Physicians using fake names prepared death certificates falsifying the cause of death, and sent letters of condolences to relatives.

Meticulous records discovered after the war documented 70,273 deaths by gassing at the six "euthanasia" centers between January 1940 and August 1941. (This total included up to 5,000 Jews; all Jewish mental patients were killed regardless of their ability to work or the seriousness of their illness.) A detailed report also recorded the estimated savings from the killing of institutionalized patients.

The secrecy surrounding the T4 program broke down quickly. Some staff members were indiscreet while drinking in local pubs after work. Despite precautions, errors were made: hairpins turned up in urns sent to relatives of male victims; the cause of death was listed as appendicitis when the patient had the appendix removed years before. The town of
Hadamar school pupils called the gray transport buses "killing crates" and threatened each other with the taunt, "You'll end up in the Hadamar ovens!" The thick smoke from the incinerator was said to be visible every day over Hadamar (where, in midsummer 1941, the staff celebrated the cremation of their 10,000th patient with beer and wine served in the crematorium).

A handful of church leaders, notably the Bishop of Münster, Clemens August Count von Galen, local judges, and parents of victims protested the killings. One judge, Lothar Kreyssig, instituted criminal proceedings against Bouhler for murder; Kreyssig was prematurely retired. A few physicians protested. Karl Bonhöffer, a leading psychiatrist, and his son Dietrich, a Protestant minister who actively opposed the regime, urged church groups to pressure church-run institutions not to release their patients to T4 authorities.

In response to such pressures, Hitler ordered a halt to Operation T4 on August 24, 1941. Gas chambers from some of the euthanasia killing centers were dismantled and shipped to extermination camps in occupied
Poland. In late 1941 and 1942, they were rebuilt and used for the "final solution to the Jewish question." Similarly redeployed from T4 were future extermination camp commandants Christian Wirth, Franz Stangl, Franz Reichleitner, the doctor Irmfried Eberl, as well as about 100 others -- doctors, male nurses, and clerks, who applied their skills in 'Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor.

The "euthanasia" killings continued, however, under a different, decentralized form. Hitler's regime continued to send to physicians and the general public the message that mental patients were "useless eaters" and life unworthy of life." In 1941, the film Ich klage an ("I accuse") in which a professor kills his incurably ill wife, was viewed by 18 million people. Doctors were encouraged to decide on their own who should live or die, Killing became part of hospital routine as infants, children, and adults were put to death by starvation, poisoning, and injections. Killings even continued in some of
Germany's mental asylums, such as Kaufbeuren, weeks after Allied troops had occupied surrounding areas.

Between the middle of 1941 and the winter of 1944-45, in a program known under code "14f13," experienced psychiatrists from the T4 operation were sent to concentration camps to weed out prisoners too ill to work. After superficial medical screenings, designated inmates Jews, Gypsies, Russians, Poles, Germans, and others were sent to those euthanasia centers where gas chambers still had not been dismantled, at Bernburg and Hartheim, where they were gassed. At least 20,000 people are believed to have died under the 14f13 program.

Outside of
Germany, thousands of mental patients in the occupied territories of Poland, Russia, and East Prussia were also killed by the Einsatzgruppen squads (SS and special police units) that followed in the wake of the invading German army. Between September 29 and November 1, 1939, these units shot about 3,700 mental patients in asylums in the region of Bromberg, Poland. In December 1939 and January 1940, SS units gassed 1,558 patients from Polish asylums in specially adapted gas vans, in order to make room for military and SS barracks. Although regular army units did not officially participate in such "cleansing" actions as general policy, some instances of their involvement have been documented.

In all, between 200,000 and 250,000 mentally and physically handicapped persons were murdered from 1939 to 1945 under the T4 and other "euthanasia" programs. The magnitude of these crimes and the extent to which they prefigured the "final solution" continue to be studied. Further, in an age of genetic engineering and renewed controversy over mercy killings of the incurably ill, ethical and moral issues of concern to physicians, scientists, and lay persons alike remain vital.

I for the first time in my time online went off at him in a Public domain. I posted this:
I Sir, Think that you are a moron. I'm fairly liberal and I support removing the Feeding out of Terri but in no way do I think that you have anything close to a case here. There isn't even just one "Hey, I think he might have A point here" in this or your other extremely obnoxious uninformed post regarding your point that Liberalism=New Nazism. I just completed A 12 week long class on the rise of Nazism and their polices and they are a far far far cry from what is happening. Liberals aren't preaching racial purity; they have never mentioned compassion killings of the mentally handicapped. I have also never heard that Nazism was going to return to earth in the form of the liberalism, care to share your sources. Comparing anybody to The minds of Hitler, Gobbels and Himmler is an insult to humanity itself. Now I apologize if his response is out of line but seriously this guy has made my blood boil like you wouldn't believe. Zeig Heil!
You can follow the canage here
Dear God this is the first person to press the button that has finally caused me to snap. Morons.....YYYYYAAAARRRRGGGGG!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

M's on TV Tommorow

Just to let any of those Mariners fans that read "The One Blog To Rule Them All", that the Mariners will be on TV tomorrow on FSN at 6:05 PM. Even better the Mariners super prospect Felix Hernandez will be pitching tonight. Hernandez is considered to be the Number 1 ranked prospect in all of baseball. This kid (he turns just 19, on April 8) has godly stuff, that makes my knees shake when I read about him. I've told anybody that will listen to me that Felix is the best prospect to ever play for the Mariners and that’s including Ken Griffey Junior, Randy Johnson and Alex Rodriguez that’s say something.
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Sunday, March 20, 2005


Have anyone of you guys ever heard someone say something so offensive that it made you scream out loud in a demonic snarl (See Aaron's Deviant Art's Page). When Today I was suffering my cyber home away from home when I came across A topic pertaining to the recent Terri Schiavo controversy. Naturally I read it, and for the first 2 pages of it, my fellow cyber citizens were having a very informative and civil discussion when A member Posted this:
when Nazism returned to the earth it would not return with a swastika and on the right but in the form of false liberalism on the left. in the early days of Adolf Hitler, the handycapped were killed in the guise of compassion. the end result is the worst astrocities ever committed. if this woman is allowed to die, we will be on the road to repeating history. next will be the mentally retarded being killed at birth in the guise of compassion in that the mentally retarded will be killed at birth so they won't have to suffer in there state.
what i find ironic is, the same false liberals who will cry over a known mass murderer who killed innocent people are the same people people wanting to kill a handycapped woman who didn't hurt a sole.
liberalism is not a mental disorder, no. i seriously disagree, liberalism of this type is a death cult. the husband, the judge and congressional democrats ie Boxer, Wexler etc. should be arrested for attempted murder.

Now I bet your wondering to yourself how somebody can honestly think like that in this moderately educated American society that we live in today, but I assure you that this post is real here you can see it for your self Warning Offensive Content.
After reading this I reacted in a way similar to the way that Aaron acted in his recent encounter with a uninformed crude American, but instead of taking it out on the wall, I punched my desk and shouted out in a Shrill demonic Snarl that pierced the bones of everyone in my house. I ask Darwin why someone like him still exists today, shouldn’t "the theory of survival of the fittest" kicked in by now and eliminated this brainless flag-waving scum off this earth. (And no I'm not judging him by just this post, Look at his other posts there equaling appalling.) I'm sure that in a later post he will back track and rescind his comments but Jeebus how could anyone be this stupid. Zeig Heil!!!

Friday, March 18, 2005

One Last Minor Problem

I just came back from the High School today, and I just realized that I have a problem, The place that I will be presenting this project at on 3.30.05 doesn't have internet access. That means that I need to figure out a way to get this the school without any internet in order so I can present this and graduate from High School, just possibly please! So if you have any suggestions then please post them here or else I might be dead.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Madness Starts Today!

Today begins arguably the biggest most popular tournament in all of sports, The NCAA Basketball Tournament aka March Madness. It doesn't have the history of the World Series. It doesn't have the glitz and the glamour of the Super Bowl, but what it does have is the excitement of a unknown college that you can't even pronounce defeating a powerhouse University in a game that many expected to be over at halftime. Add this together with the fact that the UW is a Number 1 seed and it looks to be a very special tournament for me a as a Husky fan. And this isn't including the Bracket challenges. When it comes to predicting the First round of the tournament, I look like Slick Rick the Ex Husky coach. But after that I tend to be horrible with my picks. Here you can follow my Bracket Here.
C'mon Dwags, you guys can do it!
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Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Launch Of The Buddha III

The Buddha III has failed. As the engines failed to ignite in the proper sequence, the rocket buried itself into the ground and exploded into A giant fireball of sparks, flames and smoke. But ever the resilient type, The Olde Flonomnian Space Agency declared that there would be a Buddha IV one day in the near future.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Problem Solved

I've finally solved my image problem. Brittany has directed me to Here and its seems to be working. If it doesn't work for any one I need to know. Thanks again Honey.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I Need Some Help

Can somebody please help me. Are there no Image hosts on this World Wide Web that allow for a poor Blog owner to direct link to his site. I REALLY need some help here. I've tried everything but nothing is working. It looks like I have four options to solve this 1.) Find a Suitable Image Host 2.) Post each image as a link which really ruins the effect 3.) Start this blog over on a different website or 4.) Don't post any images period. Any other ideas are needed, please.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Presenting The Buddha III

Dateline:July 3rd 2003 Mike Perman's House. With a terrible screech the Buddha II rocket lifted off the ground. All around mission control there scattered shouts of joy as the second stage lit, and Buddha was on his way to the nether regions of the atmosphere. But soon alarm replaced the feeling of excitement, as guidance control noted that one of Buddha II's engines had failed to fire and the dangerous rocket was horribly off course. The ground crew watched in horror as the once proud rocket plummeted out of orbit and headed back to earth with frightening speed. Attempts to intercept the rocket failed as did the later trys to recover the heroic pilot, Buddha. But throughout the somber day, the crew was heard saying that this would not be the end of the Buddha Series, there would be another one another day.

That day is today. The Olde Flonomnian Space Agency just revealed to the public a previously top secret project, code named: Buddha III. It was the successor of the Late Buddha II, but improved the latter's shortcomings, thrust and control. The patented Tri-Staged rocket packs some serious thrust with 21 rockets an improvement over Buddha II's 12 BRPR (Bottle Rockets Per Rocket). It is also covered in a titanium duct tape alloy, that allows for greater control. The unmanned Buddha III is toped with a picture of the late pilot of Buddha II, Buddha. The scheduled laugh is currently set for Friday March 4th 2005. Stay tuned for future details.
--The Buddha III Rocket as displayed at the Press Confrenence--
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Pictures Problem

So I've figured out my problem with the pictures. So apparently my image host, ImageVenue.com. has changed their polices when it comes to hosting images and all that they allow are Hotlinks to the pictures, something that Blogspot doesn’t allow. So all I have to do is find a image host that allows direct linking but that’s proving to be pretty difficult too, as it seems that all websites have the same policy. Not good!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Hey Whats Going On?

What happened to all the pictures on my blog? Every other Blog on Blogspot has them working, what about mine. This isn't good, considering this is my senior project that I need to look nice in order to graduate high school. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

List Of Favorite Websites

Just thought that I'd post A bunch of my favorite websites for your enjoyment. Give them all A click you might enjoy some of them.

The One Blog to Rule Them all And in the Darkness Bind Them: The Mind Of Robert Westervelt -The shameless Self Promoter that I am.

Sportspot.net- So far the best place that I've found for Seattle Sports Fans, This is my Homepage.

Fanhome- Not nearly as nice as it Once was, I know mainly use it for the Political and Current Events Forum which is quite nice.

Sportslogos.net- Every single sports logo that you could want and the forums are amazing, I've known about some logos months before they have released to the public thanks to them. Some Artists here are totaly incredible.

Brittany's MySpace Page- My wonderful girlfriend's page. She has done a great job with considering that it is her first page and was done on a Mac (Just Kidding).

Aaron's deviant Art Page- This is Aaron's Page. I go here to some of the interesting pictures that he has taken, some are pretty interesting.

Nukezone- An addicting online text based war game.

SystemOfADownOnline- A website that keeps me up to date with my favorite band.

IGN.com- The Nerd inside me compels me to go this site, A site chop full of video game previews, guides and such.

Citydata.com- Interesting Page that shows city data for almost every US city.

Terraserver- This website is awesome. You can locate almost anywhere in the US from Space. Can you find your house, I can.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

My Poli-Sci Paper On Gay Marriage

Here is a Poli-Sci Essay that I turned in yesterday, that I think I did a good job on, hopefully at least a 3.0. Here it is. Enjoy and please tell me your comments, Thanks!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S.J.RES.1, known as the “Marriage Protection Amendment” was introduced to the Senate on January 24th 2005. If approved by both the Senate and the House of Representatives and was also signed by the President, this bill would add an amendment to the constitution declaring that marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman (The Library of Congress). The bill is supported by the president of the United States, George W. Bush, along with many other conservative groups such as The Family Research Panel and the Center for Reclaiming America, all who argue that marriage is a union that is meant to be between a man and a woman exclusively. The opponents of this bill include the Human Rights Campaign, the Equality Campaign and numerous other gay and civil rights activists. On this issue I side with the opponents of this particular legislation. Over the next few pages I plan I will argue my belief that if enacted it would seriously comprise the one of the very premises that the Constitution was founded on which is that: Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof. I will argue that even though it would technically be constitutional if signed into effect, it would not be what the founding fathers had in mind when they framed the Constitution. I will argue that this possible amendment is nothing but a product of the moment, just as the proposed Anti Interracial Marriage Acts were in the 1960’s. Also, I will argue that this amendment is not the comprise that most Americans want but a radical solution that satisfies mainly the conservatives. I will on the other hand, show the thinking behind both sides of the argument and how both sides are fighting their battles. I will argue that the proponents of this bill, support it not because they belief that is what the Constitution says, but because they are blinded by their own religious views and it impairs their judgment on the issue. Finally, I will argue my own opinion on this issue and will state why I stand, as I do on this issue and if this bill is signed by the president, then no longer will the Constitution be a beacon for democracy, but a microphone for the hot topics of today that will have no real impact on tomorrow.
The bill was introduced in the senate as S.J. Res. 1 also know as “The Marriage Protection Amendment” was first proposed by Senator Wayne Allard Republican Colorado, and if enacted it would make an amendment to the Constitution (the 29th if there are no more additional amendments enacted) defining Marriage as between a man and a women exclusively (The Library of Congress). This bill is the continuation of the bill, H.R.3313 “Marriage Protection Bill” but was not enacted because it failed to be enacted because it did not pass the necessary steps in order to become an amendment in 2004. (The Library of Congress) The proponents of this bill state that moral fabric of this nations society is being torn apart and the call to mend it has to be answered (The Library of Congress). The Conservatives pushing this bill plan on using the majority in congress and in having a man in the White House who is in favor of it, to back it all the way to the end. There is attitudes that since the conservatives are religious that they have a moral responsibility to fight homosexual marriage. What many are arguing is that while many citizens are against the concept of to gay people joined together in marriage, they are open to the idea of civil unions as well, as they don’t want to discriminate against the homosexuals and seek a compromise just not encourage their perverted behavior (Finn).
The opponents of this bill have also been preparing for a show down with the opposition stating that among other things this bill would be unconstitutional and they have many previous court decisions to back up their point as well. In the most recent election one of the main issues was the topic of gay marriage. The man who won the election, Republican George W. Bush, was for a Defense of Marriage Act while his main competitor, Democrat John F. Kerry, was against gay marriage but was all for civil unions with all the same government benefits as marriage (Simon). Kerry’s defeat was felt by a few to be fatal blow to gay marriage rights, but still some point to how other countries are handling the issue. Canada has just recently given the go ahead for a proposal that would legalize all gay marriage in the country but the prime minister states that the clergy wouldn’t be compelled to preside over such unions (Martin). But in perhaps the biggest news to come out in defense of gay marriage came out of New York City, where a Manhattan judge cleared the way for same sex marriages to begin in the city of New York in the beginning of March 2005 (Cooperman) (Rutenburg ) Many people believe that if the nation’s largest city allowed gay marriage, that it might get the message across that the conservatives don’t speak for the entire nation.
All over the country, gay and civil rights activists have been posturing for the inevitable final show down with the Supreme Court with minor court cases challenging the law on the state or city level. California is proving to be a key state in the battle over gay rights with many of the important court cases taking place there (Romney). A same-sex couple wants a federal judge to overturn state and federal laws against same-sex marriage, arguing that those laws violate their civil rights and are equivalent to racial segregation. Calling gays "the most oppressed minority since slavery," the couple's attorney Richard C. Gilbert on January 20th told U.S. District Judge Gary Taylor "It now falls to you to uphold the principles of liberty.” (Associated Press). In late January 2005, also in California an Orange County couple has asked a judge to overturn the state and federal rules, they would be the first in California to take on the U.S. rule.
In Florida three gay couples dropped their challenge to their states Gay Marriage laws, because of the belief that if it went to the Supreme Court, the mostly conservative court would rule in favor of the anti-marriage laws, thus setting precedent that could prove difficult to reverse.(Associated Press).
The first Amendment of the Constitution, amendment I of the Bill of Rights states that: Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (O’ Conner). By setting restrictions on marriage it is stating that marriage, a predominantly religious act, is under the jurisdiction of the government, and therefore is establishing a state religion. And by defining marriage as between a man and women and excluding gays and lesbians from taking part in it, it is prohibiting the free exercise of religion and is making decisions that should be left up to each individual religious sect not the government.
While many argue that such and amendment would be unconstitutional, there opponents are quick to point out that if bill is in fact made into a constitutional amendment then fir all intents and purposes, the act would be constitutional but this is not what the constitutional framers would have wanted. The founding fathers believed that in order for the Constitution to survive them they needed to make it a living-breathing document that could be adapted whenever considered absolutely necessary (O’ Conner). But I believe that they intended to have it amended only when the need was truly paramount and considered necessary by the majority. The reason why there are so few amendments over the 225 years that the Constitution has been around for, is that many of the politicians tried to refrain from enacting “flavor of the week amendments” or amendments on issues that have only been important for only a very few years. One could make the comparison between the current defense of marriage legislation, to the many anti interracial marriage acts that were quite popular in the 1960’s. Both at the time were considered taboo for their day and were socially frowned upon by many, but with time gained more and more social expectance, with interracial eventually becoming commonplace in today's society. It was said in opposition to those proposed acts of the 1960’s that defining marriage was not what our founding fathers desired to accomplish when they left the constitution as open for interpretation as they did.
It is in my own personal opinion that opponents to this bill have a much more sound case then the supporters of this bill do. I believe that a man or a women should be able to marry whoever they choice to, regardless of their sexual orientation, not because of my own personal religious convictions but because of the Constitutionality of the issue. The Constitution clearly states in the first amendment made to it, that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion or the prohibiting the free exercise therefore, meaning they have no power when it comes to religious decisions. If this was a battle over defining civil unions, the makers of this legislation would have more of a leg to stand on. The main reason why I’m against this proposed amendment is that by enacting it, we would become more of a religion driven state and the views of the many will often be drowned out by the voices of the powerful few.
In conclusion, the proposed legislation S.J. Res .1 “The Marriage Protection Amendment” is unconstitutional, and if passed would become constitutional, but twist the intended flexibility of the Constitution to point that it would become meaningless. If this bill is signed by the president, then no longer will the Constitution be a beacon for democracy, but a microphone for the hot topics of today that will have no real impact on tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

My Birthday Yippee...

Today Is My 18th Birthday, although it doesn't seem like it as I've been up all night typing my Political Science Term Paper. Something about Gay Marriage Blah
blah blah. Some way to start adult hood huh? I've been nervous about my 18th birthday for the last couple of weeks, as I've had a good childhood and I don't really care to leave it, but since everyone tells me that ill have to do it sometime , I guess I might start soon. Really my life isn't gonna change much Now that I'm 18 except for the fact that I might go gambling now that its legal for me. I'll most likely go up to Canada next month with all my friends now that we are all old enough to avoid the hassle with the border (Except for Mike and Brittany LOL) . But still I'm not jumping around now that I'm 18 like some people I know. Whatever, I guess It's gonna be the same old, same old.

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Four Most beautiful Words In The World

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Pitchers-And-Catchers-Report. That's right as of yesterday, the Seattle Mariners 2005 season just started. I have high hopes for this season, although I say that every year, From the emergence of Felix Hernandez (He's been on my radar since December 2003, so this is about the time that I see if I can be a decent Talent scout) and Jeremy Reed, To see if spending money in the offseason really works, To my job with my job with the Mariners. Later this month I will post my official predications for the upcoming season, and maybe reminisce about the 2001 season, the most beautiful baseball I have ever seen.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Top Ten Reasons why Canada Is The Greatest Country In The World

Many people may know of my love affair with Canada. I talk and talk and talk about it all day long. I once wrote an article about Canada in my uninformed day, stating that the United States should annex Canada, well i was wrong I would never want to taint it like that. People often ask why are you oppesed with America's Hat. Well heres 10 reasons why...
10. Hats are really cool.
9. Mounties
8. The Maple Leaf Flag
7. Britsh Columbia
6. Super liberal government with random elections
5. The Twoie!
4. Hockey
3. The words "Eh" and "Aboot"
2. The Candaian Rockies
1.Poutine. French Fries, Brown Gravy and Motezeralla. Truely God's Food.
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Saturday, February 12, 2005

Job Shadow Part 2

This is Garret Cook, my Job Shadow; at work He is on the phone with the webmasters of MLB.com telling them that he needs them to properly update the M's site. Garret’s job is the Coordinator of Events and Services at SAFECO Field as he puts it.

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My job shadow's desk. He works down the hall from Bill Bavasi, the Mariners GM!

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The rest of his desk. He says organization doesn’t matter to him as much as it should.

Coming up next a tour of SAFECO Field.

Job Shadow Part 1

Well I said that I'd post some pictures of my job shadow so here they are with a little explanation behind each of them. (Sorry the pictures are so big my image host doesn’t allow me to resize them, so ill try to limit them to 4 a post)

I woke up at 7:30 and made my dad drive me to the bus station in Kent, where I rode the Bus to Seattle because public transportation rules!

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This was a freakishly long escalator that I rode in Westlake center after getting off the bus. I was sure that it held some sort of a record but alas I was wrong.

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A bunch of Dumb birds standing around in the street waiting to get hit by a car. They amused me for 10 or so minutes.

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Ahh SAFECO Field the place that I call heaven even though I work there.

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My first look inside the stadium since early October 2004. I feel as if I have been reborn and a phoenix has risen from my ashes giving birth to a newer and better me.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Big Brother Is Watching

Good Bye Civil Liberites
Hello ACLU....
This is so outragous that I had to post it.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Job Shadow Today

Well, Today I Did My Job Shadow, finally. It was with my boss with the Mariners, and for all intents and purposes I had a wonderful time. It really is something that I'm interested in doing for a career, and hopefully I got on his good side by being his shadow for a day but who knows. I have lots of pictures and stories that I want to post from my day, and I will post them soon.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Question About The Name

Somebody asked me why did I name this blog as I did, stealing from the Lord Of The Rings and all. Well I figured why not as I love the movies and that I dont really care about stealing form J.R.R. Tolkien considering he killed off the adorable character, Gollum. Now thats payback, having a ameatuer blog name stolen from your lifes work. Ha!

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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Madden 2006

Even Though I'm A fan of the Madden Series, I found this picture to be funny. Its regarding the new exclusive pact that the NFL has with EA Sports. Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Mother dearest. I Love You. I hope You a Wonderful day, No matter HOW old you are!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The most scenic picture I have ever took. It was taken in the Canadian Rockies by Banff. Posted by Hello

Monday, January 24, 2005


This a beautiful picture I found of Brittany at Prom last year. My God isn't she pretty? Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Another Essay Of Mine...

That I would like to share with you guys. This one is a explanation of the different ideologies that were invoved in World War II, for my WWII class at Green River CC. I feel as if its missing a little something so if you can find it then please tell me. Thanks.
Ideologies Learning Assignment
In order to fully understand the complexities of world war II, it is very important to have a understanding of the ideological differences that stood in-between the warring nations in that war. From Fascist Germany to Communist Russia and the nation that was a middle ground for these beliefs, the United States, each side had distaste for how the other ones belief.
The Political spectrum runs from Left to Right, with the far Left tending to favor equality of the masses and the most radical form being Communism then progressing to the more mild state of Socialism to Liberalism and then growing more traditional in its views of Hierarchy rules in Conservatism and finally the radical form of Fascism.
A conservative would criticize a liberal for their belief that reason and equality should always outweigh the need for a hierarchy and tradition. They believe that order and authority should override the desire for liberty simply because of the fact that the community as a whole is far more important than the individual. They would argue that some people are naturally smarter than others and so they should be but into positions of power and not be question because they are destined to lead. They shudder at the idea of a liberal coming to power, believing that their tradition was under attack.
The liberal would criticize the socialist by arguing that socialism takes away many of the freedoms that liberals believe should be undeniable. Founder of modern liberalism John Locke (1632-1704) believed that individuals should have the following rights: freedom of religion, speech, press, and from arbitrary arrest, protection of property rights and a limited representative government. A liberal and socialist would disagree when it came to the economy due to the fact that liberals believe in a laissez-faire type approach to the economic markets will the socialist is very critical of open markets. A. De Tocqueville (1805-1859), the well known liberal, once said this critical piece about socialism “Peoples passion to be equal outweighs their desire for liberty and they might turn to the state for equality.” (Marshman, 1.5.05). In that he criticizes the socialist yearning for every one to be equal, stating that if everyone is equal then they will turn to the government for liberty, something socialism is that fond of putting in the hands of the people.
In that same way, A communist is able to criticize both a liberal and a conservative for ignoring that greater issue, the plight of the working class. They both have not acknowledged the validity of what Karl Marx said “History is the history of class struggle” (Marshman, 1.5.05). In many ways, communism is the anti-capitalism, the complete opposite of the system that liberalism and conservatism rests upon. Communism preaches cooperation over competition and fellowship and group solidarity over self-solidarity and is critical of private property and open markets. The communist would tell the liberal and conservative that the primary obstacle to world peace is economics and a communist wishes to radically alter the economic system. They would say that as long as their free markets and open trade then there will always be class struggle and harmony between the classes is impossible.
The Ideology that withstands the criticism the best tends to appear to be socialism. It appeals to a greater number of people than communism, liberalism and conservatism does, with it targeting the largest group of people, the working class. It foretells radical change in favor of the working class and with that they have the class behind their cause. With communism being considered to extreme by many, conservatism being called to heavy favored towards rich and elite and in the eyes of many liberalism is just a extension of conservationism with some freedoms, socialism is a happy medium. It allows growth over what the current situation is and has strict guidelines on what is to be done so there isn’t any misinterpretation, yet it is able to be modified as necessary and allows improvement. When given the right opportunity to succeed, socialism has succeeded.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Bored!!! Part II

AAAARRRGGG, It's So Boring Right Now, Everyone Is Off Having Fun In South Center, And I'm Stuck At Home By Myself. YYYYAAAARRRGGG!!!!!!!!! Someone Rescue Me!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Olde Flonomnia

You may often hear me talk about a place called Olde Flonomnia and you may wonder what in carnation am I ever talking about. Well Olde Flonomnia is a country that I created and with the help of Aaron Poultiot founded as a independent super liberal state separate from the United States of America, called Flonomnia. After a horrible disagreement with Pouliot over the exact location of the Micro-State ( Pouliot wanted to just be a tropical island and Westervelt desired it to be a combination of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Western Alberta, Northwest Territories, Yukon and Alaska) and just how far to the left did it lean, Flonomnia broke up into two different super-micro-states, A Westervelt lead Authoritative Socialist Olde Flonomnia, and a less aggressive socialist Pouliot led North Flonomnia. After the breakup the was a horrible cold war that began between the two countries, that lead to the buildup of Ninja weapons and fireworks as the countries headed for war, frontal cooler heads prevailed and a crisis was averted. In the time that has passed since the thaw in the Cold War there have been many joint scientific programs between the two nations and while there have been discussions of unity, there hasn't been any real progress.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Inauguration Day - The Subliminal Mind**** America.

Yukon Ho!
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Rank State Avg. IQ 2004
1 Connecticut 113 Kerry
2 Massachusetts 111 Kerry
3 New Jersey 111 Kerry
4 New York 109 Kerry
5 Rhode Island 107 Kerry
6 Hawaii 106 Kerry
7 Maryland 105 Kerry
8 New Hampshire 105 Kerry
9 Illinois 104 Kerry
10 Delaware 103 Kerry
11 Minnesota 102 Kerry
12 Vermont 102 Kerry
13 Washington 102 Kerry
14 California 101 Kerry
15 Pennsylvania 101 Kerry
16 Maine 100 Kerry
17 Virginia 100 Bush
18 Wisconsin 100 Kerry
19 Colorado 99 Bush
20 Iowa 99 Bush
21 Michigan 99 Kerry
22 Nevada 99 Bush
23 Ohio 99 Bush
24 Oregon 99 Kerry
25 Alaska 98 Bush
26 Florida 98 Bush
27 Missouri 98 Bush
28 Kansas 96 Bush
29 Nebraska 95 Bush
30 Arizona 94 Bush
31 Indiana 94 Bush
32 Tennessee 94 Bush
33 North Carolina 93 Bush
34 West Virginia 93 Bush
35 Arkansas 92 Bush
36 Georgia 92 Bush
37 Kentucky 92 Bush
38 New Mexico 92 Bush
39 North Dakota 92 Bush
40 Texas 92 Bush
41 Alabama 90 Bush
42 Louisiana 90 Bush
43 Montana 90 Bush
44 Oklahoma 90 Bush
45 South Dakota 90 Bush
46 South Carolina 89 Bush
47 Wyoming 89 Bush
48 Idaho 87 Bush
49 Utah 87 Bush
50 Mississippi 85 Bush

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Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's going out to idiot America.
-Green Day, American Idiot

Monday, January 17, 2005


Dear God I'm Bored!!!!! Brittany Is Hanging out with Kindra. Aaron Is In Hawaii Till Midnight. Qiam Is Working I Think and Mike Is Doing Boatwork. No Sports On TV To Watch, and No PS2 To Play, And All My DVDs Are At Brittany's House. So All I Can Do Is Play On My Crappy Computer. Oh Joy. Oh Joy. Oh Joy. Someone Rescue Me.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Cast Of Characters: Qiam

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---This Is My Great Friend Qiam Aaf---
He also requested that he be able to write about himself as well so I'll grant him that much well just as long that I say this Just A Word Of Warning, Don't Listen To Anything He Says Because He's A bit egotistical and tends to tell tall tales.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Cast Of Characters: Mike

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---This Is My Great Friend Mike Perman---
This is Mike Perman driving his hydro or at least this esteemed authors best attempt to recapture him in all his glory Using his artistic abilities. I've been good friends with him for the better parts of 3 years now and I've partly lived at his house for the majority of that time. Like me he has a strong interest in sports except that he tends to the most cynical person that I know, when it comes to them. He is also interested in non-sports such as Auto Racing and similar activities. I will give him this though: He is a darn good Hydro racer and he holds many national records when it comes to that. Granted Hydro Racing is a exceeding boring event when it comes to watching it, but he none the less excels at it. And to all the lovely ladies out there, he is VERY single.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Cast Of Character: Aaron

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---This Is My Great Friend Aaron Pouliot---
He requested that he be able to write about himself as well so I'll grant him that much. Oh Ya He Did Ask Me To Compare Him To A Literary Character And Here It Is: C3PO and Lumburg From Office Space.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Cast Of Characters: Brittany

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---Brittany In January 2005---
This beautiful girl is my Wonderful Super Talented Girlfriend, Brittany Blazier. She is 17 years old and also lives in Maple Valley. We've been going out Almost 10 Great months and Everyday she amazes me more and more. While this may mean that many of you girls out there are disappointed that I am unavailable, I don't know what to tell you, I'm going to be with this one for a Long Time. I Luv Ya Honey!!!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Cast Of Character: Robert

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---This Is me Last Summer at Banff National Park In Canada---
This Handsome Guy Is Me, Robert Westervelt III. I was born in 1987 and Am currently a senior attending Running Start at Green River Community College. I live in Maple Valley Washington and my hobbies are watching Sports, Hanging out and Playing Sports with Friends, Playing Video Games, Daydreaming about meeting Ichiro and Lighting off Fireworks. When I don't have Spare Time, it's usually because I'm working at Safeco Field as a Fielder. I'm current working on a radical new economic system that will aid me in my quest to forever impact the world ( More Details to come later). My Nickname is The Red Weasel Because I Tend to Lean to The Left when it comes to politics and I am named the weasel because I can get out of any trouble That I Get Into, Just like a weasel does.